Jon Jensen

I live in Provo, Utah and work at End Point Dev on various Internet-related projects: web applications, databases, e-commerce, scalability, system administration, and security, and occasionally, Android app development. I’m a radio amateur (“ham”) with call sign KG7TXN.

I write on the End Point blog and Somusing, blog of my wife, Erin.

Other places to find me on the web: Twitter Facebook Instagram LinkedIn End Point

My email address is — since 1999! You may encrypt messages to me using PGP/GnuPG with my current public keys (2019 ed25519 ECC key, 2012 4096-bit RSA key), which superseded my historical keys (1998 DSA key, 1994 RSA key).

A quotation

As to my Domestic Circumstances, of which you kindly desire to hear
something, they are at present as happy as I could wish them. I am
surrounded by my Offspring, a Dutiful and Affectionate Daughter in
my House, with Six Grandchildren, the eldest of which you have seen,
who is now at a College in the next Street, finishing the learned
Part of his Education; the others promising, both for Parts and good
Dispositions. What their Conduct may be, when they grow up and enter
the important Scenes of Life, I shall not live to see, and I cannot
foresee. I therefore enjoy among them the present Hour, and leave the
future to Providence.
        He that raises a large Family does, indeed, while he lives to
observe them, stand, as Watts says, a broader Mark for Sorrow;
but then he stands a broader Mark for Pleasure too. When we launch our
little Fleet of Barques into the Ocean, bound to different Ports, we
hope for each a prosperous Voyage; but contrary Winds, hidden Shoals,
Storms, and Enemies come in for a Share in the Disposition of Events;
and though these occasion a Mixture of Disappointment, yet, considering
the Risque where we can make no Insurance, we should think ourselves
happy if some return with Success.

—Benjamin Franklin, letter to Jonathan Shipley, from Philadelphia,
24 February 1786

quotation #272 of collection of 823 · another random quotation

Travel notes

A map of the route my son & I took on our 2019 trip to Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova: Jon and Seth itinerary in June 2019.

An interactive map of various churches we visited in north England in 2013, with links to our blog posts and photos about each: Churches in north England, 2013.

Free software

I support free software and open source. Don’t be a sharecropper! I am on GitHub as jonjensen and have contributed to projects including PostgreSQL, Interchange, DevCamps, and Bucardo. I also keep old miscellaneous scripts around.

Other free software I work most often with: awesome, alacritty, kitty, tmux, Screen, zsh, bash, Firefox, Chromium, Vim, Git, Rust, Go, Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, PostgreSQL, Linux (mostly Red Hat/CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian), Android, OpenBSD, OpenSSH, Apache httpd, nginx, Postfix, Dovecot, Pine (now Alpine), Signal, GnuPG, Standard Notes, Zulip, MediaWiki, VLC, rsync, ripgrep, mtr, and Nmap, just as a sampling. Thanks to all free software developers for your time and efforts!

Human languages

Some Unicode things I keep handy:

Language family maps for reference:

My novice linguistics research: I wrote a paper for Linguistics 490 (senior seminar) taught by John Robertson, winter semester 1998 at Brigham Young University. It examines how Hebrew verb patterns (binyanim) may be semantically grouped using C.S. Peirce’s universal categories. The paper: Hebrew Verb Pattern Tendencies Clarified by Peirce’s Universal Categories (8.5″ x 11″). Reference chart: Roots in various binyanim chart (11″ x 17″).


Some of my free verse:

Many years ago, a tree fell on our car, so I wrote up the story to share.

Good causes

A few organizations I support:


Links about religion:

Johann Sebastian Bach composed some of my favorite music. See these freely redistributable Bach sheet music PDFs and the James Kibbie complete Bach organ works recordings. Mutopia collects freely usable music scores. Thanks to those who typeset the music and gave it away!



Miscellany is a collection of old Amiga-era music “modules”, including the whole U4ia and F8 collection by Jim Young, mostly created on his Amiga.

End communication.